LYH65: How to Raise Your Children to be Leaders (Part 2) [Podcast]

Show Agenda

  • Featured Presentation: How to Raise Your Children to be Leaders (Part 2)

Featured Presentation

The duty of parenting is to create a leadership culture in your home. In Part 2 of this three part series, we closely examine the importance of tailoring this leadership planning based on your child’s gifts. Based on the biblical guidance in Proverbs 22:6, parents are instructed to”Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” In Part 1, we examined the first part of this instruction. This episode dives deeper in examining a key qualifier in how a parent is to train up a child—which is based on knowing “the way he should go”.  This qualification is critical because it gets to the uniqueness of your child. You cannot employ a same size fits all approach to parenting.
Here are the five ways to train up a child in the way he should go.
  • Step 1: Follow the signs
  • Step 2: Support core subjects
  • Step 3: Focus on strengths
  • Step 4: Push more social
  • Step 5: Embrace the struggle
Be sure to tune in next week for part 3 of this series where we will focus on the final part of this verse, “and when he is old he will not depart from it”.  Looking forward to sharing these insights with you.

Get your FREE copy of the “10 Proven Steps to Extraordinary Influence” at

Please do me a huge favor and click HERE to go to iTunes and leave me a rating and review. It will only take 2 minutes of your time. And, it means so much to me. And, just for you, I’ll give you a shout out on the next show.

IBNO: A truthful approach to Christian parenting

Red or Blue Pill. Which will you choose? As a Christian parent, you have a choice. If you take the blue pill, you can just close this post right now. Nothing ever changes. You go on believing what you want to believe. Life and parenting feels like it always has for you. But, if you take the red pill, you will fully digest this post. You will see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. You may be familiar with this pivotal crisis point in the first Matrix movie as Keanu Reeve’s character “Neo” faced a life-altering choice for truth (red) or illusion (blue). Such is the state of today’s Christian parenting. Which will you choose? I pray you choose the red pill and raise the banner of #IBNO. More about that later.

Life Inside the Cocoon

I am a Christian parent of two. I have an adult son, Quilan, who recently turned 23 and a teenage daughter, Kyrsten, who is 16. And, for most of their lives, I have done my very best to keep them in a cocoon. Yes, more specifically, a Christian cocoon. You may be familiar with it—maybe even have your own membership card.

Personally, I liked the cocoon because it felt like a safe place for a nice Christian family like mine. After all, there is a biblically-derived code, sometimes unspoken, other times explicit, that everyone is supposed to follow. And, I’m a good rule-follower—always have been.

The cocoon collective affirms those like me who follow its life script. The script goes something like this. Do well in school. Stay out of trouble with the law. Don’t have sex before marriage. Be happily married. Stay faithful to your spouse for a lifetime. Be a productive member of society. Regularly attend and support your local church. Produce little cocoon children.  And, the #1 cocoon rule, love God and neighbor (at least cocoon-approved ones) with all your heart.