There is a single word to describe the objective of the Marriage ROCKS™ program — DISCOVERY.

The Marriage ROCKS program promises to challenge any tendencies in your marriage to maintain the status quo. Whether your relationship with your partner reaches the bliss of the mountaintop or the despair of the valley, Marriage ROCKS offers a challenge. It is a challenge to discover the untapped potential of your relationship.
Whether you are an engaged couple looking for handles in preparing for marriage, recently married couples in the throes of conflict, seasoned couples desiring small tweaks to an otherwise fulfilling relationship, or anywhere in between, Marriage ROCKS™ challenges you to search for authentic meaning in your engaged or married life.
REVIEWS FOR Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples..
“Harold L. Arnold Jr., PhD, has written a book for African American couples rooted thoroughly in a faith orientation, and it draws on a biblical and theological tradition of gender mutuality and
equality that is embraced by many African American couples…I commend this book because it delivers what it set out to deliver. It provides what it promises it will from the outset, and those
who use this book as a resource for marital enrichment will never regret their choice.” —Edward P. Wimberly, PhD, Jarena Lee Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Vice President for
Academic Affairs/Provost, Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia
“This wonderful book serves a need in the African American community for help in strengthening and healing our marriages and relationships. The author provides honest examples
that will be a blessing to those who are considering marriage and those who are already on the journey. The message is clear—whether your marriage is strong already or deeply troubled, God
can make it better and can help to deepen your spiritual and emotional intimacy.” —Nancy Boyd-Franklin, PhD, author of Black Families in Therapy: Understanding the African American Experience
“Harold’s combination of boldness and passion makes this a stand-out read….Through interactive, application-driven exercises at the end of each chapter, he effectively moves the
ROCKS principles from head knowledge to a life and relationship changing opportunity. Although written for the African American community, its principles apply to all couples and
individuals.” —Eric and Jennifer Garcia, cofounders of the Association of Marriage and Family Ministries (AMFM)
“Marriage ROCKS brings a much needed, relaxed, hopeful, encouraging, and transformative teaching style addressing central issues impacting African Americans. Christian women and men
in dating, engaged, or marital relationships will find sensitive, open guidance through the mystery of the concepts of partnership and covenant taking them into the joy that God has in
store for each of them, their marriages, and their communities.”—Dr. Lorraine Blackman, Associate Professor, Indiana University, School of Social Work
“Written for the couple themselves, this book and its companion leader’s guide are also practical tools for clinicians, pastors, and lay leaders who work with African American couples for whom
biblical concepts are important components for conceptualization of self and other. Dr. Arnold draws on his personal and professional expertise to develop a biblical and theoretical twelve-step
counseling model.” —Elizabeth Johnson Walker, ThD, LMFT, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples is an extraordinary resource. If implemented by couples and leaders, Arnold’s biblically sound method and strategy for married couples could
revolutionize the way we approach ministry to couples and families. All Christian couples who work through this book will be blessed tremendously by his meticulous biblical reflections and
insightful wisdom on married life, from sexuality to finances and parenting.” —Dr. Johnny B. Hill, Assistant Professor of Theology, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and author
of Multidimensional Ministry for Today’s Black Families
“Married couples are on the endangered species list. Dr. Harold Arnold’s expertise and passion are focused on preserving and strengthening African American marriages. His curriculum gives
couples more than just another ‘content dump’ of marriage information. His years of helping couples is reflected in this powerful Marriage ROCKS “journey” which has couples interacting and praying about topics that will enrich their personal and intimate lives together. But it’s not just about you! He goes on to teach and challenge couples how to use their marriages as a powerful tool for sharing Christ with all who live their communities. Every couple who wants to grow their relationship with their spouse and with Christ will benefit from this interactive marriage experience.” —Bruce R. McCracken, Ph.D., founder and president, House on the Rock
Family Ministries, Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania
“Marriage ROCKS combines biblical truth and social science knowledge in providing a clear understanding of marital issues. Building on this understanding the book offers helpful processing exercises that will assist couples in applying the material to their own marriage. Being both a scholar and a marital therapist, Dr. Arnold’s writing benefits from his insights on the unique aspects of being in an African American marriage. Although Marriage ROCKS can profit a couple who desire to build a stronger marriage, the accompanying leader’s guide elevates the possibility of couples strengthening their marriage in a supportive group context. I strongly recommend Marriage Rocks to couples who want both clear statements on the major issues in marriage today and helpful guidance on how to strengthen their own marriages.” —Dr. Jack Balswick, PhD, Senior Professor of Sociology and Family Development, Fuller Theological Seminary
“At a time when the institution of marriage seems under attack, Marriage ROCKS provide a refreshing and affirming view of marriage. Dr. Arnold keeps it real, while providing hope for couples. His five components of “ROCKS” are grounded in sound Biblical principles and relational integrity. The book is honest, thoughtful, and presents some critical insights to the issues in the African American community. A great resource for both those in marriage and seeking marriage.” —Dr. Randolph Walters, marriage therapist and Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, Eastern University, St. Davids, Pennsylvania
“What a tribute Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples is to the field of marriage enrichment. This resource is a real gem for couples and leaders who care about strengthening and deepening marriage vows. Grounded in biblical truths and psychological sensitivity, this book offers a treasure trove of ways to build on God as the Rock, the faithful One who provides shelter and hope in the storms and serenities of marital life.”—Judith Balwick, EdD, Senior Professor of Marital and Family Therapy, Department of Marriage and Family, Fuller Theological Seminary
“AMEN! Harold Arnold boldly imparts the ageless principles, fresh insights and practical skills that can and will revitalize African American marriages in the home … and the black community. While aimed at African American relationships, Marriage ROCKS has something for all couples, ‘red, brown, yellow, black or white’. This white guy from the Northwest is standing up from the pew shouting, ‘Preach It!’”—K. Jason Krafsky, author of Before “I Do”-Preparing for the Full Marriage Experience
“The illusions created by Hollywood and the booming romance industry are destroying today’s marriages, causing divorce rates to climb higher than they have in years. Marriage ROCKS has all of the tools we need to start picking up the pieces and getting our relationships back in line with those values that are important to all Christians. The thing I like most about Marriage ROCKS is that it provides practical, reader-friendly tools and lessons not only on what to do, but how to do it.” —Elder Rob Harrison, MA, Founder/President, 4EverMarriages & Families
What Marriage ROCKS Workshop Participants are saying…
“This workshop helped me understand what my wife needs and how she feels and how not to take her for granted.” — Martin – Baltimore, MD
“This event has provided me with practical information and biblical resources to prepare myself for marriage. My eyes have been opened and now I realize that marriage is not based on feeling that my future husband will make me whole. Christ has made me whole.” — Tammy – Glen Burnie, MD
“It was an eye opening confirmation of what our roles are in our marriage—part and counterpart are a great way of explaining how our differences are our strength.” – Nicole – Philadelphia, PA
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