LYH93: Discovering Oz: The One True Path to Security

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  • Featured Presentation: Discovering Oz: The One True Path to Security

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Faith in Focus: Security System

(Nahum 1:7)
“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.”


Featured Presentation: Discovering Oz: The One True Path to Security

The Wizard of Oz – Check out the Official Website

Security is an illusion when it is placed in temporal things.

What is your Oz?

Oz is that place where your deepest passions meet culture’s direst needs. Oz is a place of hope.

Discovering your Oz this year requires that you address the same three challenges that Dorothy and her companions met in Oz, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion.

From the Scarecrow we learn

Every pursuit of influence, by definition, entails a quest for knowledge and wisdom to know where to look for it. The knowledge that you have to succeed at your current level is not what you will need to master the next level.

From the Tin Man we learn

You must have heart to feel and emotionally connect with the world around you. Invest emotionally in people that God places in your path.

From the Lion we learn…

Every quest for purpose requires the courage to leave the familiar behind and align our reality with our destiny. You, too, must muster the Lion’s courage and be bold enough to go for your best self.

You have everything you need to embrace the journey and be your best self.
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LYH50: 10 DreamBusters to Stop Immediately [PODCAST]

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Click HERE to watch the short “Stop It” sketch starring comedian Bob Newhart.
So, in the spirit of Dr. Switzer (Bob Newhart’s character), I came up with what I believe are the top ten attitudes and behaviors to which I would just like to say “STOP IT!” for those who have a purposeful dream that they want to pursue in their lifetime.
Top 10 Behaviors to STOP
  • #10 – Thinking Small
  • #9 – Denying responsibility for the direction of your life
  • #8 – Giving excuses as to why you aren’t moving towards the dreams in your life
  • #7 – Letting your emotions primarily dictate your decisions
  • #6 – Trusting that other people will make you their priority
  • #5 – Accepting other people’s agenda for your life
  • #4 – Believing that you don’t have enough time or resources to pursue your dreams
  • #3 – Wasting time and energy on people and things that don’t fulfill your life’s purpose
  • #2 – Waiting for Perfection
  • #1 – Focusing on Yourself
So, there you have what I believe are the top ten things that the fictitious Dr. Switzer would tell us to STOP. Like Katherine, we can take offense to the parsimonious intervention or we can decide that enough is enough. I hope that you and I choose the latter.
What would you add to the list of things that Dr. Switzer would tell us to stop if you wanted to be a person of influence and reach your dreams?

Check out the blog post HERE to read more about this.

Please do me a huge favor and click HERE to go to iTunes and leave me a rating and review. It will only take 2 minutes of your time. And, it means so much to me. And, just for you, I’ll give you a shout out on the next show.

LYH46: Slaying the DRAGONS of Your Dreams Part I [PODCAST]

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You can find the full blog post on this topic at

Within you is a higher calling or a transcendent purpose. God created that yearning within you.

So, why is it that so many people (most in fact) never reach that lofty perch?

The reason is that there is an adversary to your destiny. There are many names for this “adversary”. Christian tradition calls him “Satan” or “the Devil”. Steven Pressfield in his bestselling book, the War of Art calls it “the Resistance”. I have coined another term to capture this insidious foe. I call it “the DRAGONS”.

Seven Lies to Destroy Your Dreams

DRAGONS is a seven-letter acrostic that captures represents the tools that the enemy of your dreams using to dissuade you from believing in who you were designed to be. Though individual, each one interweaves the other to destabilize your faith in who you are called to become.

  1. [D] DOUBT –  DOUBT’s lie sounds something like this “There is no way you can achieve your dream. That’s a fantasy. You don’t have what it takes.”
  1. [R] REGRET – REGRET’s lie sounds like this “You can never recover from that mistake.”
  1. [A] APATHY – APATHY’s lie sounds like this “So what if you don’t go for it? What difference does it really make?
  1. [G] GUILT  – GUIILT’s lie sounds like this “You are a hypocrite. If others knew what you did/think they would never listen to you. You better stay in the closet.”
  1. [O] OBSTINANCE – OBSTINANCE’s lie sounds like this “Nobody can tell you what to do or think. They don’t know what you know.”
  1. [N] NARCISSISM – NARCISSISM’s lie sounds like this “You shouldn’t do anything that doesn’t make you happy.
  1. [S] SCARCITY – SCARCITY’s lie sounds like this “Who are you kidding? You don’t have time to live your dream. That’s just a pipe dream. They just want what they can get out of you anyway.”

There you have the seven DRAGONS. They are legion. You can see the progressive nature of their entrapment. They start their attack on you with a little seed of DOUBT. But, in the end you’re left with a profound sense of emptiness. The DRAGONS will destroy you if you are not sober and alert. Now that you know what their lies sound like, you can recognize their assault for what it is.

I would love to hear your comments about the DRAGONS. Which one(s) resonate most with you? Why do you think they are effective? When you are at your best, how do you keep the DRAGONS out of your head?

Check out the blog post HERE to read more about this.

Please do me a huge favor and click HERE to go to iTunes and leave me a rating and review. It will only take 2 minutes of your time. And, it means so much to me. And, just for you, I’ll give you a shout out on the next show.

LYH45: 7 Signs to Know that You’re Married on Purpose

Married on Purpose

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  • Featured Presentation: 7 Signs to Know that You’re Married on Purpose

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You can find the full blog post on this topic at

Are you married on purpose?

It isn’t just about raising children well, accumulating material things, or even feeling happy. These are all aspects of being married. But, they aren’t the ultimate WHY God brought you and your spouse together.

In my work with couples and in my own marriage of more than twenty-six years, I have discovered seven signs that suggest your marriage is purposeful.


Seven Signs of a Purposeful Marriage

  1. Sign #1: Being married on purpose is an act of grace
  2. Sign #2: Being married on purpose is to tolerate the rationale and serve the relational
  3. Sign #3: Being married on purpose is to cultivate what God planted in your spouse
  4. Sign #4: Being married on purpose is to look inwardly and respond outwardly
  5. Sign #5: Being married on purpose is to unite your passions as a kingdom offering
  6. Sign #6: Being married on purpose is to accept that material things will never give your marriage meaning
  7. Sign # 7: Being married on purpose is to prioritize intimacy as an act of worship

I wish you God’s blessings as you embark upon demonstrating these signs in your own marriage. Leave me a comment and let me know which one resonates most for you personally.

What is easy and hard in being married on purpose?

Check out the blog post HERE to read more about this.

Please do me a huge favor and click HERE to go to iTunes and leave me a rating and review. It will only take 2 minutes of your time. And, it means so much to me. And, just for you, I’ll give you a shout out on the next show.

LYH44: The Forrest Gump Guide to Authenticity

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  • Featured Presentation: The Forrest Gump Guide to Authenticity
  • Daring Greatly – Dr. Brene Brown [affiliate link]
  • Leader Eat Last – Simon Sinek [affiliate link]
  • The War of Art – Steven Pressfield [affiliate link]

Featured Presentation

You can find the full blog post on this topic at

I love movies. In fact, movie watching has been a favorite hobby of mine for many years. In a true testament to how fast time flies, I recently realized that one of my favorite movies, Forrest Gump, celebrated its twentieth anniversary just this past year (2014).

What made Forrest Gump the blockbuster that was the top grossing film in North America that year and still ranks in iMDB as the 13th best movie of all time?

The Face of Authenticity

There are many reasons for its success including excellent actors, a creative story, and several really signature sound bytes that still carry a punch even twenty years later.

But, I believe there is one other factor that propelled Forrest Gump into the record books and cemented its place in American movie lore. 

That reason is authenticity.

  • Authenticity is what makes you uniquely you.
  • Authenticity is what allows you to wield influence in places inaccessible to everyone else.
  • Authenticity is a magnetic force that draws people towards you.

The Face of the Resistance

Your creativity, the very reason that God placed you here, is crumbling under the weight of doubt, regret, apathy, and guilt. Steven Pressfield in his book, The War of Art calls it “the Resistance”. In the Holy Bible, Saint Peter calls it “the Adversary”. It, in fact, goes by many names.

This Adversary is dark, evil, and intent on destroying your unique influence by accomplishing one single goal—making you a copycat.

  • The copycat feels accepted because he does what everyone else does and sounds like everyone else sounds.
  • The copycat doesn’t get targeted for criticism because he chooses to run with the pack rather than stand out.
  • The copycat feels comfortable because he stays in his zone, his comfort zone where he is safe.

The problem, of course, is that the copycat is a fraud. God did not make any copycat. Not one. Copycats are human derivations.

What is your favorite line from Forrest Gump? What connections do you see between the movie and your own call?

Check out the blog post HERE to read more about this.

Please do me a huge favor and click HERE to go to iTunes and leave me a rating and review. It will only take 2 minutes of your time. And, it means so much to me. And, just for you, I’ll give you a shout out on the next show.