LYH63: How to Develop a Listen Habit at Home [PODCAST]

Listen Habit

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The Listening Habit
  • H – Honor Purpose: Helping each person in the home develop into the person s/he is destined to be requires a sensitivity to the gifts of each person.
  • A – Affirm Strengths: Families that successfully develop leaders within their ranks focus on affirming strengths. Pay attention to what each person does well. Then, cultivate that to a level of expertise. In other words, help their good get better.
  • B – Believe Bigger: Encouragement is fertilizer for the human soul. It is pushing one another to next level of performance through affirmation not guilt or other punitive measures.
  • I – Invest Emotionally: Listening is an act of empathy—an emotion. Emotional investment knits hearts around a shared goal—reaching one’s true potential.
  • T – Talk Last: Talking is overrated. When you are talking, you are less able to fully consider what is going on around you. Talking gets in the way. If you talk last, people will increasingly value what you say.
So, there you have the five tactical steps to develop the listen habit in your home. Leave me a comment to share your thoughts.
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Check out the blog post HERE to read more about this.

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LYH56: How to Be a H.E.R.O. Husband [PODCAST]

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You can find the full blog post on this topic at

I have been married for almost twenty-seven years. But, my wife recently shook my paradigm with a single sentence when she heard me talking about how important it is for me to spend time with my daughter. She looked me squarely in the eyes and said, “Remember, that I am also a daughter.”
She’s right, of course.  I’ve come up with four behaviors on how to become more consistently attentive to being my wife’s hero. Using H.E.R.O. as an acrostic, here’s my plan to keep my cape on.
  1. H — Help Out – Do the little things to lend a hand
  2. E — Empathize – Put yourself in her shoes and just listen
  3. R — Romanticize – Do the nice little surprises that wooed her in the first place
  4. O — Oblige – Just let her do what she wants sometimes without making her beg
Some wives had HERO fathers with capes that we have to model (or exceed). Other wives crave that HERO that they never saw growing up. Regardless, we husbands have to remember that our wives are just grown up daughters.
They want us to be their HERO. We protect them from the bad forces of the world. We help them feel secure in a threatening world. We are the object of their dreams.
Get your free copy of the “10 Proven Steps to Extraordinary Influence” at

Check out the blog post HERE to read more about this.

Please do me a huge favor and click HERE to go to iTunes and leave me a rating and review. It will only take 2 minutes of your time. And, it means so much to me. And, just for you, I’ll give you a shout out on the next show.

Four Ways A Husband Becomes a HERO

I have been married for almost twenty-seven years. You’d think by now that I’d have this marriage thing down pretty well, especially since I spend so much time writing and talking to others about building a strong marriage. In fairness my wife tells me that I have improved over the years. I’m grateful for that. But, she recently shook my paradigm with a single sentence. She looked me squarely in the eyes and said, “Remember, that I am also a daughter.”

I have one daughter. Her name is Kyrsten. As she goes through her teen years at a pace that just feels too fast, I already lament the day that she will soon bid us farewell. Where has the time gone? I place tremendous value on the importance of fathers spending quality time with our daughters. Fathers may be the single most influential person in the daughter’s self-perception.

In her important book, Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 secrets every father should know (affiliate link), Dr. Meg Meekers says “Whatever outward impression she gives, her life is centered on discovering what you like in her, and what you want from her. She knows you are smarter than she is. She gives you authority because she needs you to love and adore her. She can’t feel good about herself until she knows that you feel good about her. So you need to use your authority carefully and wisely. Your daughter doesn’t want to see you as an equal. She wants you to be her hero, someone who is wiser and steadier and stronger than she is.” A daughter wants her dad to be her hero.