Show Agenda

- Featured Presentation: Four Ways to a Grateful Thanksgiving
- Branding Expert: Dick Bruso, Heard Above the Noise
- Lesson Principle: “Your Gratitude Determines Your Altitude”
Featured Presentation
You can find the full blog post on this topic at
No matter your condition, thankfulness is a choice.
I would like you to consider four steps to choose thankfulness this Thanksgiving.
Step 1: As specifically as you can write down the ten things that you are most grateful for this year.
Here’s my top-10 to guide your own list generation.
The Top 10 Things for Which I’m Most Grateful in 2014
- My wife’s personal commitment to being more grateful and its impact on our home
- My sister’s (Letitia) pregnancy and impending delivery–due date December 2nd. This is the first child (Kennedy) that one of my sister’s will have.
- Successfully completed a 12-month vegetarian fast (with my spouse) in which I consecrated myself to the pursuit of my purpose
- My children’s (Quilan and Kyrsten’s) academic success in grad school and high school respectively
- Launching a new website with 35 consecutive weeks of new blog posts and podcasts
- Spending two days with a branding expert (Dick Bruso) to develop the PERFECT brand for me (stay tuned for more information about that)
- Spending seven days in Trinidad with one of my best friends (Paula) and her husband (Philip Thompson)
- Spending two days in Atlanta with a couple (Pastors Wesley and Rose Marie Greene) who I think of as spiritual mentors
- Launching a MasterMind group with an amazing group of achievers
- Finishing my first 10-mile Broad Street run in Philadelphia (along with 35,000 others)
Step 2: Identify the Thankfulness Themes that are evident from your Top 10 list.
Step 3: Express your thankfulness to the people that you mentioned on your list
Step 4: Thank God from whom all blessings flow
Leave a comment and let me know for what you are thankful. Can’t wait to hear it.
I wish you the happiest of Thanksgiving holidays.
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