Show Agenda
- Featured Presentation: The Christian’s Guide to Conference Confidence
- Currently reading:
- “The Art of Work: A proven path to discovering what you were meant to do” by Jeff Goins [affiliate link]
- Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim [affiliate link]
Featured Presentation
Key Scripture:For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)
Your conference confidence comes from understanding that God will use this conference experience as part of your perfecting process.
Here are the five questions to ask before and during the conference to be most confident (in this order of priority).
- Question #1: What is God speaking to me?
- Question #2: Who am I here for?
- Question #3: Who is here for me?
- Question #4: What must I learn at this event?
- Question #5: Who must I become?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on these five questions and what other questions you would add to this list. Leave a comment.
Get your FREE copy of the “10 Proven Steps to Extraordinary Influence” at haroldarnold.com
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