What one word would you use to describe me?
This is the question that I have asked many of my family, friends, and those who have trusted me in various leadership roles. The word that I most frequently hear is “teacher“.
Initially, I wondered if “teacher” aptly captures my complex array of interests and aspirations. But, the more I think about it, the more I have come to embrace myself as an educator. After all, I love to learn. Some of this is evident in my academic journey that has culminated in my doctorate in Psychology and Master’s degree in Marriage and Family therapy.
In addition to my love for learning, I also love to share what I have learned. Through insightful leadership development, family enrichment, and other speaking and writing opportunities I love to see the “aha” moments happen.
So, I have come to embrace my calling as an educator equipping leaders in business, community, and homes with the resources, knowledge, and motivation to transform their organizational culture into the empowerment centers that they are designed to be.
I teach organizations and individuals how to convert authentic relationships into actionable results.
I am author of three books, Second Shift: How to Grow Your Part-Time Passion to Full-Time Influence, Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples and its accompanying Leader’s Guide.
I typically post blog and podcast weekly where I discuss the intersection of leadership, influence, and relationship. To make sure you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe via email by entering your e-mail address in the box in the upper right or by clicking on the RSS button in the sidebar.
My Biography
I am founder of The Pursuit of Influence, a organization which teaches strategies for developing organizations, teams, and families with extraordinary influence.
I earned a Ph.D. and Master’s degree in Social and Organizational Psychology from Temple University where I researched Transformational Leadership Among People of African Descent (which was the largest quantitative study of Black leadership ever conducted). I also hold a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology and a Master’s in Systems Engineering from University Maryland College Park. I received my undergraduate degree from Howard University’s Business School.
In addition to currently serving along with my wife as co-director of the Marriage Enrichment Ministry at New Covenant Church of Philadelphia, I have served in a number of leadership roles including the Association for Marriage and Family Ministry’s (AMFM) Director of the Black Marriage & Family Ministry team where I led an international initiative to raise awareness of family resources and networking opportunities for Black families.
Additionally, I am the former Director of Christian Education for New Covenant Church of Philadelphia where I have set strategy and curriculum development for eleven children, youth, and adult ministries. I have also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Social Issues, and as adjunct faculty for a Christian university in the Philadelphia metropolitan area.
In addition to authoring my own books, I am a senior marriage and relationship columnist for Called Magazine and have contributed articles to Focus on the Family and many other print and online magazines.
In addition to all of these initiatives in my passion portfolio, I have also had two vocations in both Information Technology (15 years) and currently in Pharmaceutical Market Research (12+ years).
My favorite hobbies include watching good movies, reading good books, and getting in some cardiovascular workouts via jogging and biking. I also love to experience different cultures.
I am most proud of my marriage of more than twenty-six years to my college sweetheart, Dalia, and our two wonderful adult children, Quilan and Kyrsten. We reside in the Philadelphia metropolitan area.
My Contact Information
You can contact me at (215) 939-6866 or online via e-mail or follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
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