Show Agenda

- My Week in Review
- Spotlight: Chris Richardson, Real Talk with Chris Richardson (Washington DC)
- Featured Presentation: 10 Reasons I’m Glad I was a Virgin when I Married
Segment: My Week
- I’m Preparing for Broad Street Run this weekend. See more about this 10 mile run through the heart of Philadelphia here.
- Evaluating an investment property to evaluate. The challenge is that it is zoned commercial.
Spotlight: Features an organization that is doing excellent things to impact families
Spotlight: Chris Richardson, Real Talk with Chris Richardson
Key Thoughts:
- Website:
- Products: Can We Talk? A Journey Towards Having a Healthy and Lasting Relationship
- Get your FREE Gift by texting 240-492-7664 whichever of the following words applies to you: “single”, “dating”, “married”, “divorced”
- Success Secret: “Meet people where they are, not where you want them to be”
- Top Priority for Family Leaders over the next 3 years: “Good leaders lead the way. Great leaders get out of the way”
Featured Presentation:
This weeks episode: “10 Reasons I’m Glad I was a Virgin When I Married”
Episode Highlights
Read the blog post related to this topic here.
Top 10 Reasons I’m Glad that I was a Virgin When I Married
- Reason #10: I can write this blog post
- Reason #9: I know exactly how many kids I’ve fathered
- Reason #8: Never worry about sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs)
- Reason #7: I have never coerced or encouraged a woman to have sex for which she wasn’t ready
- Reason #6: Proof that it can be done
- Reason #5: Sense of pride in being obedient to my religious convictions
- Reason #4: Give the gift of celibacy to my wife
- Reason #3: Debunk the notion that guys only want “one thing”
- Reason #2: My wife is my only frame of reference
- Reason #1: I can encourage my kids to do as I did
Ignite Promo: If you’re looking for an opportunity to join with other ministry leaders at a private, intimate 3 day, 2 night retreat that promises to elevate your ministry and your marriage to the next level, visit to learn more
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