LYH104: How Our Kids Got Full Tuition Scholarships for College and Yours Can Too

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  • Featured Presentation: How Our Kids Got Full Tuition Scholarships for College and Yours Can Too

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Faith in Focus: Abandon Anxiety

(Joshua 1:9)
“…Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”.

Featured Presentation: How Our Kids Got Full Tuition Scholarships for College and Yours Can Too

Top 20 Things to do to Get Your Kid’s Their Full Tuition Scholarship

  1. Put them in the most reputable school system that you can reasonably afford
  2. Identify community organizations that offer scholarship programs and/or that have an affiliation with a university scholarship
  3. Set Expectations Early – Academics are your job — Do your job before you do anything else.
  4. Constantly Monitor Academic Status
  5. Teach great study habits
  6. Make sure they do their own work
  7. Get help in core subjects immediately when struggling
  8. Make sure they do their best on the state exams because that drives much of where they are placed as early as elementary school
  9. Challenge the teacher / school system if they are not placed in the top courses for which they qualify
  10. Select the most advanced (Honors and Advanced Placement) courses that your child can handle
  11. Watch their class rank – strive to be as close to the top 10% of the class as possible
  12. Enroll in an SAT/ACT Prep Course / Hire a Private Tutor, if possible and take the SAT 2-3 times
  13. Proactively engage the high school’s guidance counselor to make sure that all forms are submitted well in advance of university deadlines
  14. Obtain stellar recommendations from teachers and community organizations/mentors
  15. Research and identify 5-10 universities with merit scholarship programs
  16. Place and apply to colleges on three tiers (Stretch school, Likely schools, Shoo-in schools)
  17. Apply to the universities early in the application cycle — do not wait until the deadline
  18. Submit FAFSA (Federal Application for Student Aid) ASAP — Don’t wait until the deadline
  19. Pray about it constantly
  20. Monitor and manage friends with whom they spend their time

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