LYH99: A Love That Lifts: How to Show Love that Conquers All

Show Agenda

Faith in Focus: Unfailing Love

(1 Corinthians 13:11)
“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. “


Featured Presentation: A Love that Lifts: How to Show Love That Conquers All

For some, love lifts your eyes  — enabling you to look up and to feel connected to God, the the true source of your strength. David said,
  • Psalms 121: 1-2; I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
For others, love lifts your heart – with an uplifted heart helping you to feel free and liberated from those sins that sso easily best you – feel care and compassion for others
  • Lamentations 3:41; Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven, and say:
For others, love lifts your hands  – helping you to surrender it all to Christ as the Jesus asked the disciples to do – cast their nets (the familiar) aside and come follow him.
  • 1 Timothy 2:8; It is my will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.
Love lifts your feet – helping you to move into the territory that God has for you — much like he did for the children of Israel in moving towards the Promised Land, putting them in position to influence the known world for God.
     Joshua 1:3; I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.

Love that Lifts is God’s way of fulfilling His purposes on earth by elevating us out of our own self-centeredness, turning our hearts towards him and the needs of others, and equipping us to claim territory for him. 

A Love That Lifts Is…
  • Patient
  • Kind
  • Truthful
  • Hopeful
  • Enduring

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LYH87: How to Tap Your Resilience Power

Show Agenda

  • Featured Presentation: How to Tap Your Resilience Power with Special Guest, Dr. Lori Hobson (Lunchtime Chat)

Faith in Focus: “Why Want More?”

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. ” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Featured Presentation: How to Tap Your Resilience Power (Lunchtime chat with Dr. Lori Hobson)

Special Guest: Dr. Lori Hobson, CEO Resiliens International

In this episode I discuss the following important topics and much more with my special guest:

  • What does it mean to be resilient?
  • Why is resilience important for leaders, especially women leaders?
  • What is the significance of resilience in the home?
  • How to muster resilience in the midst of trying circumstances?
  • If you have any questions, just leave it in the comments for this episode or leave a voicemail on my website

and, much much more…

Feel free to leave me a voicemail message with any questions or concerns by going to and clicking “Send Voicemail” on the right side of the screen.

Get your FREE copy of the “10 Proven Steps to Extraordinary Influence” at

Please do me a huge favor and click HERE to go to iTunes and leave me a rating and review. It will only take 2 minutes of your time. And, it means so much to me. And, just for you, I’ll give you a shout out on the next show.

How to Raise Your Children to be Leaders (Part 1)

Are you raising your children to be leaders? For years, my literal prayer has been that God bless my children to be leaders in their generation. At first, my wife pushed back saying “who says that they want to be leaders?” I understood her question and her point. She did not want me to project my own aspirations onto our children. She wants them to become who God intends for them to be not necessarily who I want them to be. And, she didn’t want them to feel pressured to pursue leadership. But, my wife was missing a premise that many other parents miss as well. To truly understand leadership is to grasp that within every child is a natural born leader. A primary parenting job is to pull your children’s leader nature forward. That is what it means for us as parents to be leaders of our respective homes. In this first of a three-part series, I will address this important topic with a particular faith-based lens to show you your role in bringing the leader forth in your children.

How to raise your child to be a leader

The Listen Habit

When you think of the greatest leadership development organizations in the country of what do you think? You might be tempted to name a company like Google that has re-defined what it means to search the Internet and is known for their out of the box thinking. Maybe a company like Apple will come to mind as you marvel at the steady stream of blockbuster devices they have engineered. Still others might think of the U.S military with its world-class training to prepare our troops for optimal performance. All of these, of course, are excellent organizations with proven leadership programs. However, none of them compare to the greatest place for leadership development in the world—your home. Family is supposed to be the training ground that equips you with the relational skills, character, and affirmation that you need for success in life. Developing this culture in your home demands one skill above all else. This is the ability to create a listening atmosphere in your home.

IBNO: A truthful approach to Christian parenting

Red or Blue Pill. Which will you choose? As a Christian parent, you have a choice. If you take the blue pill, you can just close this post right now. Nothing ever changes. You go on believing what you want to believe. Life and parenting feels like it always has for you. But, if you take the red pill, you will fully digest this post. You will see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. You may be familiar with this pivotal crisis point in the first Matrix movie as Keanu Reeve’s character “Neo” faced a life-altering choice for truth (red) or illusion (blue). Such is the state of today’s Christian parenting. Which will you choose? I pray you choose the red pill and raise the banner of #IBNO. More about that later.

Life Inside the Cocoon

I am a Christian parent of two. I have an adult son, Quilan, who recently turned 23 and a teenage daughter, Kyrsten, who is 16. And, for most of their lives, I have done my very best to keep them in a cocoon. Yes, more specifically, a Christian cocoon. You may be familiar with it—maybe even have your own membership card.

Personally, I liked the cocoon because it felt like a safe place for a nice Christian family like mine. After all, there is a biblically-derived code, sometimes unspoken, other times explicit, that everyone is supposed to follow. And, I’m a good rule-follower—always have been.

The cocoon collective affirms those like me who follow its life script. The script goes something like this. Do well in school. Stay out of trouble with the law. Don’t have sex before marriage. Be happily married. Stay faithful to your spouse for a lifetime. Be a productive member of society. Regularly attend and support your local church. Produce little cocoon children.  And, the #1 cocoon rule, love God and neighbor (at least cocoon-approved ones) with all your heart.