The 5 Golf Lessons that will Transform Your Home

There are few things like that feeling you get when you stand at the tee amidst your fellow golfers and watch your golf ball majestically sail 300+ yards  down the center of the fairway, a perfect drive. You smile from ear to ear and of course push your chest out just a little farther. Your golf buddies stand in awe only wishing they had shot such a beauty. For a golfer, the feeling of accomplishment is nearly unparalleled.

In celebration of the 80th anniversary of the golf’s most celebrated tournament, The Master’s at Augusta, I thought it would be fun and insightful to draw some parallels between the great game of golf and leadership—especially at home.

Now, I only wish I could really call myself a golfer. I’m more of a weekend hacker. And, honestly, even that is probably exaggerating my golf game. I’m not very good. But, I sure wish I was. I’ve had some shots like the one described above. But, they are too few and too far between. But, oh how I love that feeling—especially when my golfing with the guys.

In an effort to improve my poor golf game, I took some lessons a few years ago. I was hoping (well even praying) for something magical to happen. Maybe the golf pro would give me two or three lessons and then I would go out to the greens and have my way with the course.

If you know anything about golf, well you know that didn’t happen. Yes, I know you’re laughing or shaking your head or both.

Even after a few lessons, I could barely even hit the ball consistently much less the perfect shot that I watch the pros do routinely (as demonstrated by Tiger Wood’s  “perfect swing” in this video).

The first thing that my golf coach stressed to me is the need to unlearn poor habits that I had developed during my years of just going out and trying to figure it out on my own. These bad habits were going to limit my ability to grow as a golfer.

It was frustrating because it looked like the coach was making me worse. I went from being able to pretty consistently hit the ball using my home-grown approach to embarrassingly missing or shanking each shot.

As I think back over my months of golf lessons, I can’t help but think about the consistent parallels to leadership and family life.

But, like my golf coach painfully instructed me, sometimes you have to unlearn some bad habits before you can grow into the leader that you are destined to be.

With that, here are five golf lessons to grow your leadership skills in your home, work, or ministry.

Lesson #1: Get in the Right Position

One of the first lessons that you learn in golfing is the importance of your stance or as some call it your “set up”.

Ultimately, your performance (hitting the ball to your desired location) will be determined by whether you are in position to make that happen. Your coach will tell you to get your feet set shoulder length apart, bend your knees, and straighten your back.  Improper position limits your effectiveness.

The same is true when providing leadership, especially in the home. Leadership is about “relational equity”. Many leaders think that position gives you relational equity. But, that isn’t true.

Relational equity is earned status or credits that you accrue based on the good rapport that you’ve established.  If you have not established an effective, trusted “position” in your home, work, or ministry then your leadership attempts will be resisted. This is because you don’t have sufficient relational equity to leverage.

For example, have you ever been in the position where you tried to implement a positive change in your home. But, your children and/or spouse resisted your well-intended efforts. You may have felt rejected. This requires a change of position. You first have to work to build the trust. Then your efforts will meet with more success.

Lesson #2: Loosen Your Grip

One of the important early lessons that you learn in golf is the position of your hands when holding the club. It is important to have a good, relaxed grip. You should only hold the club tightly enough so that it doesn’t go flying out of your hands on your swing.

On more than one occasion my golf coach would ask me why I had such a “death grip” on the club. I couldn’t help it. No matter how much I tried to be loose, the minute I started my swing, I would tighten my grip. The problem is that when you are gripping the club so tightly it tenses your whole body and it prevents the club from naturally flexing to do its job.

There is an important leadership lesson too. So many of us are control freaks. Click here to see if you might have a control freak in the family.

We believe that if we keep a tight “fist” around our home that we are going to control a desired outcome. Our home or workplaces becomes a series of rules that makes everyone feel like they are walking on proverbial eggshells. While our efforts to control may sometimes yield our desired result, it generally damages the relationships and fosters a pensive and defensive culture among all those who we care about.
The reality is that by loosening our grip or control tendencies at home that we create an atmosphere of trust and empathy that actually increases the probability that more positive outcomes will ensue.

Lesson #3: Let the Club do its Job

There are many types of clubs in the golfer’s bag. You have your drivers that are typically used off the tee for long drives. You usually have at least a couple of different types of drives. Then, you have a full set of irons designed to take on different distances and environmental conditions.  And, you also have a couple of wedges to tackle those hazards (long grass, sand) that have come your way. Finally, you have the putter to close the deal. Each club has its strengths—an ideal condition for which it is best suited.

You don’t try to use one club to do every shot.

Yet, as leaders at home and in other settings we too often fall into a “one size fits all” mindset. We think what worked for one child should work for all the children. We believe that because this is the way it was done in our family of origin that this is the only way that it can be done in our home today. We lose sight of the uniqueness and individuality of each person within our sphere of influence. When we forget about the special gifts and interests of each person, we fail to respect and value what they offer.

Good leadership looks for and recognizes the special talents and unique interests within the individual. Our role as a leader is to develop what is in them—not to get them to be what we want them to be. The effective leader trusts that with sensitive guidance that the person will develop into the person they are destined to be.

Lesson #4: Keep Your Head Steady

One of the hardest thing to do when taking that golf shot is to keep your head steady through the shot. It is so natural to raise your head in an attempt to watch your shot. The problem is that when you raise your head you also lift your shoulders. And, when you lift your shoulders you pull the club off of its intended path. The end result is that you do not hit the ball solidly.

The effective golfer has trained himself/herself to patiently hold the position and resist the natural tendency to watch where the ball might go.

Similarly, the effective leader develops the patience and psychological confidence to allow the people with whom they are invested to operate without feeling like they are constantly being watched. Again, this fosters a sense of trust and respect.

Children’s independence grows as they come to believe that their parents aren’t going to constantly be watching them because they trust them to do the right thing.

Spouses feel a sense of freedom and liberation when they don’t feel like their every action is being scrutinized, evaluated, and critiqued.

Yes, give constructive, age and situation appropriate guidance. But, then resist the temptation to micro-manage. Let others test their wings. They just might surprise you.

Lesson #5: Follow Through

My final golf lesson is about follow through. The last part of the swing is the follow through. It is the closure for the swing and though it is the end it is no less important. In fact, the final trajectory of the ball is very much influenced by the golfer’s ability to maintain a good balance and clean follow though.

Throughout this article, I’ve encouraged letting go of the reins a little more in order to allow people to become secure in their own abilities. This is vital.

However, great leaders have a way of staying connecting with what is going on—keeping a pulse on those within his or her sphere of influence. Sometimes this follow through is a verbal check in to see how things are going and asking if any help is needed. Other times follow through is about rewarding an excellent effort or outcome. Still other times follow through is about correcting poor behavior.

Timely follow through is a key to learning as it establishes what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. It ensures that the systems are running at their optimal peak. Your family and your teams perform best when each person knows that you are truly engaged in their life—and follow through clearly sends this message.

And, just as the great golfers maintain excellent balance throughout their shots from beginning to end, so do great leaders. Balance allows you to focus both on the content/task and the relationship. It allows you to maintain a healthy emotional center regardless of the conditions that arise. And, ultimately it makes you the leader that builds relationships that change the world.

For you golfers out there, what other parallels do you see between golf and leadership?

LYH001: Three Steps to Effectively Lead Your Home [Podcast]

In this particular episode you will hear:

  • An introduction to myself and why the “Leading You Home” Podcast was created
  • Shout out to Cindi Hall for creating the Podcast music/lyrics
  • Resource Corner: Book: Boomerangs to Arrows by Sharon N. Elliot
  • Spotlight: Felicia Houston of Anointed Wives Ministries (Chicago, IL)
  • Featured Presentation: “Three Steps to Effectively Lead Your Home”

Five Questions to Transform Your Home

What is the secret to a great marriage or a happy home? These are the questions that I am often asked as I work with families. People want an easy answer. I believe it only takes five questions to transform your home.

When you ask these families in what areas they most struggle, you usually hear fairly predictable responses. The most common response you initially probably doesn’t surprise you. “We have a communication problem” is by far the culprit of home dysfunction. But, when you did deeper you begin to see that this “communication problem” is really about more pronounced cracks in the relational foundation of the home.

Sometimes you can see that financial pressures are placing enormous strain on the family.

In other homes, you discern how busy schedules and lack of quality time together is creating emotional distance.

Still other homes are stymied by a self-centeredness that makes intimacy feel disingenuous or maybe even unattainable.

Of course, many homes are battered by more than one of these pressures at the same time—often resulting in the communication failures between spouses, dating couples, parent-child interaction, and other important relationships.

So, what is the secret to overcoming these communication challenges and positively transforming the atmosphere in your home?

It can be summed up in a single phrase—“Listen More”.

The Need to Lead Home

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” —Jack Welch

Over the past 5 years, I have had the opportunity to encourage hundreds of families on techniques for builder stronger marital and parental relationship skills.  I have certainly been encouraged by some of the results that I’ve seen.

For example, I recently received a message from a young man that my wife and I met at a marriage retreat that we conducted for a military group from Maryland. During the retreat, my wife and I had the opportunity to talk one on one with him and his wife. They were in the early years of their marriage. And, they were struggling—with even some talk about whether this marriage would last. Over the course of a couple of hours, my wife and I felt like we did the best we could to help them.

His message to me a month of so ago warmed my heart as he talked about how wonderfully he and his wife have been doing. I was elated. I just couldn’t stop smiling. During the email exchange I asked him what turned things around. His response was simple yet profound:

  • I stopped making excuses
  • I started living for my wife

As I think about this young man’s response, it reminded me of the quote above by the renown leadership guru, Jack Welch. Before we become a leader, we can legitimately focus on our own growth. But, once we don that leadership mantle, then success is about developing others.

While many of us think about the importance of leadership development in our vocation and places of business, we are often remiss in considering our leadership in the most important venue—HOME.

As such, we spend countless hours investing in those outside our home and often little, or no, time developing those most close to us.

And, just a glimpse into pastors’ struggles, reveals the cruel realities of this leadership deficit at home:

  • 77% of pastors surveyed felt that they did not have a good marriage themselves
  • 50% of pastors’ marriages will end in divorce
  • Almost 40% of pastors polled admit to an extramarital affair since beginning their ministry

What is the message?

We must first lead our homes. And, this blog is dedicated to that topic. Yes, leadership topics will be addressed more broadly. But, it has to start at home. Without that, the trajectory of your life will fall far short of its intended impact.

If you are a spouse, you have the leadership responsibility to develop your spouse into the person s/he dreams to be.

If you are a parent, you have the leadership responsibility to guide your children along the path to fulfill their destiny.

If you are a sibling or a caregiver of any nature you have leadership responsibility.

How you handle your home often dictates how you will lead in the other areas of your life. And, as important, it will prepare those within your sphere of influence to indeed be leaders themselves.

Marriage is an opportunity to lead the one to whom you are committed through the mountains of success as well as the valleys of difficulty. Herein lies its beauty and its challenge.

I’m so thankful that my young friend above realized early in his marriage two important aspects of leading home. We all have to stop allowing excuses to exonerate our poor behavior. Let’s own it.

Then, we have to realize, “it’s not about me”. At least it is not only about me. We each have to focus on the needs of the others in our path. When we do, the course of our relationship exponentially shifts.

Now its your turn.

Why do you think pastor’s marriages struggle as they do? How, if at all, might these statistics shift if pastors could adapt those two suggestions made by my friend?

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.