Show Agenda
- Featured Presentation: How to be a H.E.R.O. Husband
- Kimanzi Constable & Jimmy Burgess, Self-Publishing Success Academy
- Currently reading: “The One Thing: The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results” [affiliate link]
- “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters” by Dr. Meg Meekers [affiliate link]
Featured Presentation
You can find the full blog post on this topic at haroldarnold.com/herohusband
I have been married for almost twenty-seven years. But, my wife recently shook my paradigm with a single sentence when she heard me talking about how important it is for me to spend time with my daughter. She looked me squarely in the eyes and said, “Remember, that I am also a daughter.”
She’s right, of course. I’ve come up with four behaviors on how to become more consistently attentive to being my wife’s hero. Using H.E.R.O. as an acrostic, here’s my plan to keep my cape on.
- H — Help Out – Do the little things to lend a hand
- E — Empathize – Put yourself in her shoes and just listen
- R — Romanticize – Do the nice little surprises that wooed her in the first place
- O — Oblige – Just let her do what she wants sometimes without making her beg
Some wives had HERO fathers with capes that we have to model (or exceed). Other wives crave that HERO that they never saw growing up. Regardless, we husbands have to remember that our wives are just grown up daughters.
They want us to be their HERO. We protect them from the bad forces of the world. We help them feel secure in a threatening world. We are the object of their dreams.
Get your free copy of the “10 Proven Steps to Extraordinary Influence” at haroldarnold.com
Check out the blog post HERE to read more about this.
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