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- Featured Presentation: 10 Signs to Know You’ve Found Your Life’s Purpose
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Faith in Focus: Deep Waters
Featured Presentation:10 Signs to Know You’ve Found Your Life’s Purpose
The 10 Signs
- Hours feel like minutes when you are in the flow
You feel your most alive
You never seem to be able to get enough of it
You would do it for free
You enjoy the company of others with this same interest
Your creativity is at its peak
Trusted others validate your abilities in this area
You dream (day/night) about it
You take steps to become the best or your best when doing it
The lives of others are enriched by your efforts
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This list is so right on! I think I can probably come up with another 10. There have been so many signs that I am living in my God-given destiny and purpose and I rarely need a reminder but, recently I was in a very rare sad/bad mood. A client showed up and in seconds I was on my game, naturally, organically mine and I am so blessed to be able to have finally found what God put me on this earth to give my little world around me. Thanks so much for this. I’m sharing with my tribe and of course, giving you the credit!
Thank you for the great feedback. Give us a few of the examples of signs that God has shown you for confirmation of your destiny and purpose.
Well first, as I mentioned:
~ When working in my purpose it will auto-correct an off mood in record time!
~ I wake up excited and thanking God that I “get to” do what I do
~ I don’t panic on Sundays (used to count down the hours on Saturday before finding my purpose)
~ It gets dark out and I don’t know how that happened (you kind of said that one)
~ I am a part of other peoples “lightbulb” moments and ask God how I get to be a part of that in their lives!
~ God Validates constantly, expands my territory (Prayer of Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:10)
~ Former Hot Mess helps people for the 1st time know Jesus because of my purpose
~ My purpose passion ignites the desire in others when many were just existing and didn’t know there was a way out….it gives them hope.
~ Never need to say TGIF
Some of these coincide with yours….always great to expand on it personally, more validation. More gratitude. Thanks for asking!