A celebration has begun
Marking the death of such a love one
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Why celebrate some may say,
We’ll miss her so dearly in our own special way.
We’ll miss her smile; that sincere care,
We’ll miss the love that was always there
We’ll miss the hope, the tenderness, the way that she made us feel with the words she’d say.
We’ll miss the spark of spiritual light,
We’ll miss her comfort in our darkest night.
We’ll miss her spirit that glowed throughout; her sweet subtle nature without a doubt.
We’ll all miss that woman who did
transcend far beyond family, acquaintance, or friend
Why celebrate some may say
We’ll all miss her in our own special way.
Let us not believe that this is the end
of a life on which many did depend
She planted seeds along the way
Through gentleness or deeds; the things she’d say
She watched those seeds grow day by day
Emphasizing prayer; and did she pray
Prayer for her family far and near
Prayer for all those she held so dear
But also prayer for those who didn’t seem to care
Everyone’s burdens she seemed to bear
Never another prayer from her lips will we hear
Not from those eyes will descend another tear
Never more from her mouth will God’s praises ring
No more in flesh will she sing to her King.
With all this finality, we think of the end
Of a woman who God’s spirit moved fervently within.
But of this end, I do not see
because of those memories instilled within me
On these memories we share common ground
on these memories she’ll always abound
in the minds of generations to come
Not just a few or not just some…
But all…
So here we are with this death we must deal
Here we are with the hearts that must heal
Here we are with a void we must fil…
It’s so hard…
So to myself and to you I must ask…
What do we do?
What we must do is realize within
That death in this life does not mean the end
To us or to Minnie H. Penn
I fully believe that she’s in a place
Where she suffers no longer and see’s her God’s face
With her spirit no more troubled and her soul not a care
She waits for God’s trumpet to summon us all there
To a beautiful home where eternal we’ll be
Rivers of mild and honey we’ll see
Cities of gold with sparkling light
Always the sunshine and never the night…
A beautiful place…
But for now there’a a race we have to run
Constantly working until the setting of the sun
No man nor angel knows when this will be
So be ready…
Let’s show the love that my grandmother shared
She would want us to know that she really cared
Let family be family until our God does call
She would want us together; divided we fall
Let’s help our neighbors through difficult days
These are the ways
that she would want it
This is the life that she lived…
Helping others…
Let’s continue her dream and remember her legacy
Minnie H. Penn made a difference and she would want nothing more than for us to do the same.
Finally, I know that she would want someone to say…
Thank you to all of you who helped her during her lifetime.
Read: Jan. 21. 1989 at the Homegoing Service for my beloved grandmother, Minnie H. Penn