How to “Outlive your life”

I was enamored with the title of Max Lucado’s latest book, “Outlive your life”.

I imagined that this book was going to inspire the pursuit of God-ordained purpose. I expected a cheerleader on how to make our lives transcendent—leaving a legacy of stewardship that remains after our lifetime ends.

In other words, I was looking for a book that might capture the experience of Max Lucado whose accomplishments certainly will outlive him.

That is my personal desire as well. I pray that my life will impact marriages and families long after I am gone from the earth. Educating families about relationships that honor God is my purpose and passion. But, how do I live in such a way today that makes this possible? This was the question that I hoped this book answered.

I was, however, disappointed. It didn’t. Don’t get me wrong. Lucado makes many excellent points. We have to take time to notice the small things. We have to look to help those who are less fortunate than we are. We have to be willing to sacrifice our desires in search of God’s will. He makes these points and many other similar ones.

Yes, these are all valid points for which he offers biblical support for his assertions. But, I couldn’t help feeling like these are helpful as reminders but hardly the revelations for which I’d hoped.

If you are looking for something to remind you of our hope and our mission as believers then this book does that. And, it does so in classic Lucado style—with lots of real life vignettes to bring his points to life. But, if you’re looking for more you might be disappointed too.